Return to Germany

Zaherkab • 31 January 2024
1 comment

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good day


Between 2015 and 2016 I was in Germany. first, I came to München and stayed a few days in the refugee collection centre, After that I was transferred to Würzburg. I also stayed for about a month in a refugee camp, and finally, I was transferred to Gemünden am Main town.

Due to compelling circumstances, where my father got cancer and then his death, severe psychological pressure and some family problems, I was forced to return to Syria quickly before obtaining residency, as I requested to cancel my refugee application, and I was not able to return to Germany at that time. 


I want to return to Germany and work there. Please help me. 

I am telecom and electronic engineer and I have a wife and two children.


Zaher A.

Residence permit

Answers (1)


Hello Zaherkab, thank you for your question. Please note I have removed your personal information (mail and phone) as we want to protect the privacy of our community. We do not allow personal information to be displayed in our public forum.
There are various ways you can return to Germany, one of them being through a work visa. You can apply in one of the neighboring countries embassy (Beirut and Amman)
For a work visa you will need proof of a work contract or a possibility of employment in Germany. You will also need to prove that you have a qualification i.e. completed your studies or apprenticeship.
Here you can see the requirements for a work visa: .
You could also, if you have proof of enough financial income apply for a job seeking visa:
Finally maybe this link will also help you further in deciding how to come to Germany:

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes

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