Private coaching sponsorship via Federal agency for international student

SohailArsalan • 10 December 2023


I am Sohail Arsalan from Pakistan I want to enroll in data analysis bootcamp from german local coaching institute "careerfoundary" Their fee is 8k euro for full course plus practice.

When i researched about getting sponsorhip for deserving students, german federal employer agency can sponsor but in just case of student should be german resident living in germnay, not matter if student is came from any nationality but he or she should be residing or living in germany at the time of applying for sponsorship.

So my actual question is what can be the actual process for getting pre sponsorship letter or something to show to german embassy in karachi, So i don't have to provide block amount, 

Course is for about 6 to 7 months long I would just need part time work permit so i will manage my expenses doing odd jobs. 

Answers (1)


Hello SohailArsalan thank you for joining our platform.
It might be enough to hand in the paper to the foreign office that guarantees the scholarship once you reside in Germany, to prove that you do not need a block account. Have you checked the website of the DAAD for sponsorships as well, they offer a wide range of sponsorships.
Here you can find more information on student finances:
If you have further questions please let me know
Best wishes

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