
Nasir Sadiry • 14 April 2023

Best regards, 

I am Nasir living in Hessen-Germany. 
My question is about further Education in Germany, I have Bachelor degree from India under the Political science and Economics fields. Can I pursue my further Education with this Certification, my degrees are granted my Indian and late-Afghanistan govt. My aim is to continue with Masters at govt Universities in Hessen or nearby. 
Kindly advise me for the right path of Education. 
yours sincerely 

Answers (5)


Best regards Nasir Sadiry,
apologies for the delayed reply. And thank you for your question, there are many others in a similar situation and wondering if their degree is accepted and if they can continue to study. You can check whether your degree is accepted on this website:…
I would also suggest to contact the University you want to study at, directly and ask if your degree is recognized. If you are not sure which university to opt for yet, you can have your certificate recognized by a State Recognition Office ("staatlichen Anerkennungsstelle")- to find one nearby, visit For their service, however, you usually need to pay a fee. Therefore, I would suggest to first ask at the university you wish to attend. One of the big hurdles for public German universities is that you will need a sound knowledge of the German language. Requirements vary according to university but usually, you will need to have reached C1 level in German. There are also a few master programs in English. Again, just check the universities website, if the program you want to study is available in English. Usually large universities have an office for international students that are very helpful.

We have complied detailed information about the process of applying to Germany university here:
There is lots of important information.
If you would like, I can also search for a counseling center that can help you with the next steps in your master’s application. Please let me know what city you are in.
Finally, I would like to ask you to remove your full name, as we want to protect the privacy and data of our community. You can shorten your name or use a nickname. Thank you for understanding.

I hope this information was useful. If you have further questions, please let me know.
Best wishes


Hello Nasir Sadiry More specifically, you can have a look on the database "anabin" if your bachelor degree and the university you've studied at, is already acknowledged. Unfortunately, this website is only available in German. Best would be if your university should show the Status H+ and your degree appears equivalent (Entspricht).
If this is not the case, as Yara already mentioned, there is still the possibility to apply for for an acknowledgement process at Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländische Bildungswesen - ZAB).
If you need assistance in finding your university and degree on the anabin website, please tell me the full name of your university and the correct degree, which is mentioned in your diploma.
Feel free to ask, in case something remains unclear.

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